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來源:http://www.je-performance.com 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-12-18

  With the rapid development of packaging industry, users put forward higher and higher requirements for the quality of corrugated boxes, including the printing quality of the boxes for sale. If the printing technology is not good, there are often many printing problems, from the following corrugated box manufacturers from six common problems to do a simple analysis.
  1. 與機(jī)器壓花有關(guān)的缺陷零件引起的質(zhì)量問題當(dāng)板滾子軸頭、壓紋輥、軸、齒輪的一個(gè)重要組成部分與壓花呈現(xiàn)磨損、松動(dòng),板卷在沖壓的過程中或壓紋輥可以攻擊擊敗或滑動(dòng)現(xiàn)象,由于壓力不穩(wěn)定,打印頁面與紙板接觸是不正常的,紙板印刷外觀的形成呈現(xiàn)糊版或部分圖形印的不清楚。濟(jì)南紙箱廠經(jīng)過認(rèn)真的調(diào)查分析,找出了零件的確切問題,采取相應(yīng)的處理方法,對(duì)磨損、松動(dòng)的零件進(jìn)行糾正,了問題。
  1. Quality problems caused by defective parts related to machine embossing. When an important part of plate roller shaft head, embossing roller, shaft and gear is worn and loose with embossing, the plate roll or embossing roller can attack and defeat or slide in the process of stamping. Due to unstable pressure, the contact between printing page and paperboard is abnormal, and the formation of Paperboard Printing appearance presents paste or part The graphics are not clear. After careful investigation and analysis, Jinan carton factory found out the exact problems of the parts, took corresponding treatment methods, corrected the worn and loose parts, and eliminated the problems.
  2. Problems caused by poor quality of ink roller當(dāng)墨輥的頭松動(dòng)時(shí),墨輥的本體出現(xiàn)鋸齒狀、變形或破損的外觀,還會(huì)造成版面骯臟、糊版或部分文字模糊不清。濟(jì)南紙箱廠查明原因,采取相應(yīng)措施進(jìn)行處理,使油墨輥與印版之間堅(jiān)持均勻、適當(dāng)?shù)慕佑|條件,對(duì)損壞的油墨輥進(jìn)行更換,問題。
  When the head of the ink roller is loose, the body of the ink roller will appear zigzag, deformed or damaged appearance, which will also cause the layout dirty, paste or part of the text unclear. Jinan carton factory found out the cause and took corresponding measures to deal with it, so that the ink roller and the printing plate adhere to uniform and appropriate contact conditions, and the damaged ink roller was replaced to eliminate the problem.
  3. Quality problems caused by improper adjustment of pressure roller如果過高或過低的壓力滾柱軸承,原因和瓦楞紙板接觸太緊或太松,也會(huì)出現(xiàn)臟版、糊版或部分圖形印的不清楚,應(yīng)調(diào)整壓輥到適當(dāng)?shù)奈恢?使空間輥和輥之間的壓力相應(yīng)的紙板的厚度,以保證印刷表面部分,防止出現(xiàn)斷層的現(xiàn)象。
  If the pressure roller bearing is too high or too low, and the contact with the corrugated board is too tight or too loose, the dirty plate, paste plate or part of the graphic printing will not be clear. Adjust the pressing roller to a proper position, so that the pressure between the space roller and the roller corresponds to the thickness of the board, so as to ensure the printing surface part and prevent the occurrence of faults.
  4. 因顏色順序不當(dāng)造成的質(zhì)量問題
  4. Quality problems caused by improper color sequence如果把版面文字和文字先放在彩色組印刷上,當(dāng)瓦楞紙板進(jìn)入下一色彩組組織印刷過程時(shí),由于硬紙板先在彩色組印刷文字和文字的油墨量大,反應(yīng)遲鈍,很簡(jiǎn)單的印痕轉(zhuǎn)移,形成骯臟的版面。為了防止這一弊端的爆發(fā),宜將小版式置于上色組印刷中,將大版式置于后續(xù)色組印刷中,可以防止印版轉(zhuǎn)移形成臟版的現(xiàn)象。
  If the layout text and text are put on the color group printing first, when the corrugated board enters the next color group organization printing process, because of the large amount of ink in the color group printing text and text on the cardboard first, the reaction is slow, and the very simple mark transfer forms a dirty layout. In order to prevent this malpractice from breaking out, it is advisable to put the small format in the color block printing and the large format in the subsequent color block printing, so as to prevent the phenomenon of dirty plate caused by plate transfer.
  5. Quality problems caused by uneven plate thickness當(dāng)橡膠板的厚度不均勻時(shí),板的布局會(huì)出現(xiàn)凹凸。高的地方就容易糊版,不是全部,低的地方主義的布局是簡(jiǎn)單的存在,形成印跡不清晰,防止疫情的不利條件下,可以選擇離散制版的方法,將分成幾個(gè)小塊板的(指拯救橡膠板和沒有制版核心制版技術(shù)),應(yīng)選擇同一塊分離制版,所以它的厚度差異很小。如果你做了一個(gè)橡皮印版,有厚薄的差別,在部分薄印版的背面補(bǔ)償不干膠層,使整個(gè)印版堅(jiān)持同樣的厚薄,以保證印刷壓力和版面的均勻性。
  When the thickness of the rubber plate is not uniform, the layout of the plate will appear concave convex. The high place is easy to paste, not all. The low localism layout is simple, the formation of imprint is not clear, and under the adverse conditions of preventing epidemic situation, you can choose the method of discrete plate making. If the plate is divided into several small plates (i.e. saving rubber plate and no plate making core technology), you should choose the same separated plate making, so its thickness difference is very small. If you have made a rubber plate, there is a difference in thickness. On the back of some thin plates, make up the adhesive layer, so that the whole plate adheres to the same thickness, so as to ensure the printing pressure and the uniformity of the plate.
  Quality problems caused by uneven thickness of corrugated board如果瓦楞紙板的外觀為損壞的凹痕,凹痕部分的紙張也會(huì)出現(xiàn)印痕不清的質(zhì)量缺陷,如果我們選擇加大整體印刷壓力的補(bǔ)償,簡(jiǎn)單的使文字、線條布局出現(xiàn)粘貼質(zhì)量問題。濟(jì)南紙箱廠為了防止布局糊、瓦楞紙板在堆放、轉(zhuǎn)移過程中,應(yīng)注意輕移、輕放、輕壓(以控制堆積的高度),不要選擇拋、拋、壓等不良習(xí)慣來轉(zhuǎn)移。
  If the appearance of the corrugated board is a damaged dent, the paper in the dent part will also have quality defects with unclear marks. If we choose to increase the compensation of the overall printing pressure, we can simply make the text and line layout have paste quality problems. In order to prevent layout paste and corrugated board from stacking and transferring, Jinan carton factory should pay attention to light moving, light placing and light pressing (to control the height of stacking), and should not choose the bad habits such as throwing, throwing and pressing to transfer.
  The above is the content shared by corrugated box manufacturers today. I hope it can help you. Source: http://www.je-performance.com, reprint please indicate the source.
相關(guān)標(biāo)簽: 重型紙箱廠家、瓦楞紙箱廠家托盤廠家、蔬菜包裝廠家、

